For this edition of Musing on Sensuality, we did things a little differently - we sat down face to face with Kristine Crabb at our Auckland Showroom in August. I’ve known and admired Kristine for a long time - from my footloose, mid-twenties, disposable income days wearing Miss Crabb, to now where Underlena leases Gloria’s back space as our Auckland Showroom. She’s an icon of creativity, and I love being more in her orbit these days. So it was so beautiful to chat with her about how her life as a creative interacts with the idea of sensuality - I hope you love reading this piece. - Maxine
Kristine, thank you for making the time in your busy world for this! Could you introduce yourself ~ who are you, how do you spend your time?
My name is Kristine - I am a mum, a friend and an artist. I make clothes, imagery and sensory things for my project, Gloria, which has been going for three years. Most of my time is taken up running my house, being with my kids, and my business - my creative projects, friends and family.

And you’re coming up to your new store’s anniversary, aren’t you?
Yes - we opened our store about 12 months ago, so it’s going to be our one year anniversary at the end of September. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind getting back into the world of retail again. We had our low-key showroom before that, which was appointment only. It’s been cool to dip my toe into a different way of doing it that suits my life with kids.
I’m curious to know, as a deeply creative person, what does sensuality mean to you?
Well, I’ve given this a lot of thought actually since you posed these questions. I think it’s actually a state of being in full flow - and that happens usually when I’m being creative, where time doesn’t matter, you feel alive, you feel grounded, you feel like your best version of yourself, you feel really expansive and like anything is possible. That’s the kind of state we want to channel as much as possible.

I absolutely agree - has it always felt that way for you?
I think so, but it has been really nice just to contemplate, actually, what is sensuality, that ‘feeling alive’ feeling - I think it’s a really interesting topic as a creative person. As creative people, that’s our life - that’s what keeps us going. So it’s really nice to dissect it a bit and figure out what it is.
How do you get into that mode?
Just as a creative and an artist it’s in your everyday life, which is why - my life is really busy and hectic, and I’m going to say, quite hard - but I’m also trying to change that mindset of that to be more like ‘I can do this, I’m capable’. For instance, cooking is such a big part of having 3 children, preparing all these meals…making that a really beautiful creative process and an act of love. Same with doing the garden, you know, it’s like a job, but as I’ve been doing it the last 5 or 6 years you see the fruits of your labour, as a beautiful creative project that is actually nature’s doing, but that you’ve had a hand in co-creating.
And then of course my creative life making clothes, creating imagery, the act of love releasing it into the world, you know, is another sensual aspect to living this creative life.
That’s cool what you say about cooking, because for so many people, especially when you’ve got 3 kids, I imagine it can be a lot!
Yes - to feed 4 people is a lot - so it’s quite cool to do that and imbue that with pleasure. Luckily for me, I love eating and I love cooking. Having said all that, in the last 12 months, having a shop, my children getting older, I don’t have to cook 6-8 meals a day. This has revolutionised my creative life, as now I have time for other things!
When I think of cooking and sensuality, I have this idea of me, alone, in the kitchen, stirring garlic with a glass of wine and it’s very - alone. But that’s not how I cook, really, ever these days. So I’ve been thinking about how to overlay that feeling with the everyday cooking that I do.
Yes! Well it is so gorgeous, you know after a long day to be able to take a couple of hours to prepare a meal, it’s the ideal. And there is a timelessness in it (even though you might be short on time), as a creative project it's a really fast turnaround - you know, have an idea, and enjoy it. Whereas, a lot of my projects take up to 12 months, compared to cooking a beautiful dinner that you will enjoy, the kids love it, you get that instant feedback.

Given that you’ve been an artist forever, and you’ve been doing this sort of work forever, do you think you’ve always had an appreciation for the idea of sensuality or has it developed more as you’ve got older?
Being able to make things has always fed me. I think coming back [with Gloria], I’m seeing how it all fits into the story of my family, my life and what I’m doing. I think I’ve only really identified as an artist in the last few years, since I stopped Miss Crabb. It was so intense having little babies and running the business the way I did back then - maybe it was just my outlook on life - but I never really had much time to reflect on where everything sat. It wasn’t until I took a break away that I could think, yeah, this is what my work is, you know, a beautiful transformational supporting of your body, and all the political stuff I was going for as well, anti-fashion stuff.
You’ve always made things that made people feel incredible - I have a pair of your Maxfactor pants that I still wear 8 years later, which are a lush experience - the fabric, the way they move - they feel amazing. Whether that is intentional or not, the end product is an experience of sensuality in itself.
Yes! And it feels good that they are still in your life, they might be getting better.
Beyond your work, what are you feeling inspired by at the moment?
That’s a hard one! With all the things that are happening in the world it is quite hard. But at the same time it makes me want to be more peaceful, more healthful, more sensual, I feel like that is what is needed for me in the world and it relates to my creative practice as well. More loving, more peace. It’s kind of a battle in itself, trying to overcome the forces that are at play with everything that is happening that impacts our small businesses and lives as creatives. That’s what is inspiring me! More body autonomy - taking it to the next level. Just freedom, for your own body, what you wear. Cultivating more peace and abundance of time is my goal for sensuality.
Does that mean finding more space for yourself?
It’s kind of radical, because I’ve found being a solo parent and starting this new brand quite hard, so I’m thinking, ok how are you going to flip this so you can manage and maintain and come out on top. Embracing a radical state of mind, cultivating more time. That’s how I think of it.
Thank you so much Kristine! It's been so beautiful speaking with you.
Visit the world of Gloria here.